Buy singer bobbins for $2.00 or Buy ten Singer bobbins for $10. freight is extra
High Quality bobbins for the modern Singer machines.
They fit Singer models : CE100/200/150/250/350 and Singer Futura 2000 Embroidery (will not fit older Singer 2000) 7400 series and 100, 104, 117, 118, 132, 132Q, 140Q, 2623, 2662, 2638, 2639, 3962, 1116, 1120, 1525,1725, 2638, 2639, 2662, 2950, 3810, 3820, 3962, 5160, 6038, 7312, 7322,7 350, 7422, 7436, 8288, 9910, XL-100, XL150, XL-1000, XL-5000, XL-6000.. and a few others.
Please conatct us on 1300137041 if you would like to discuss further.