Ribbon sequin foot for janome 7mm machines
Janome Ribbon sequin foot for drop in bobbin machines
part number 200332000
click on link to see how this ribbonSequin foot works
You can use this foot to attach sequins two different ways.
The Ribbon/Sequin Foot has a slot at the front for feeding through ribbon, strings of sequins, or elastic.
If you want to attach sequins, you can choose two different methods and stitches–with a zigzag or a straight stitch. With the zigzag stitch the needle will penetrate on either side of the sequins, causing the thread to cross back and forth over the top. The straight stitch option has the needle penetrate the sequins to hold them in place.
How To Attach Sequins With A Zigzag
Attaching Sequins With A Straight Stitch